Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Dropped a Post on The Fashion Bomb


I have so many things swirling around in my head, I can't get focused. I began a workshop (for work) for an extremely important client. As usual, I was so nervous about it, but by the night before, I just said, "Whatev. God's got me." And He didn't prove me wrong! He never does. The class was a success. I'm actually looking forward to the next one.

If you didn't read my latest Honey post (and I know you have!), then you didn't know that I finally made the decision to try freelance public relations consulting. That means, it's a part-time small business. Small as in just me. I have atleast two organizations that I'd like to pitch to. So far, I've been writing proposals and content for a website and information packets. We'll see how that goes. Any ideas for a name? I have a thought, but it might be wack. So obviously, I'm not sharing.

Claire at The Fashion Bomb was sweet enough to let me do a post as in intern. The post is about boutiques in cities (other than NY or ATL). I really enjoyed writing it. Kudos to all you bloggers who give us content and pictures that you take yourself. As much as I think the blogsphere is cluttered and saturated with fashion blogs, this is one of my favorites. It's up today. Here's the link. Thanks Claire!

I've known him about six years and I can say that is talent and gift are special and purpose is ordained. He has good Christian music with soul. Check him out at www.myspace.com/ianvon1. Look for his interview in next month's Clutch music issue.

Happy Thursday!


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