Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hump Day Happenings

So....I'm sitting here about to jump out of my seat because I'm so ready to go. I'm ready to get the hump of Hump Day. Today has been a day of nothingness, filling food and -itis. Somebody remind me to fore go the stuffed crabcakes, salad and three butter rolls the next time we have a farewell luncheon. Almost two hours later, I'm still miserable. But I have been able to do a few things to feel like a productive U.S. citizen. I read atleast two stories on the life of Senator Ted Kennedy. Who knew he helped to implement COBRA and fled the death scene of a fatal car crash?? Rest in peace. Ever since his speech at the Democratic Convention, he's been special to me. He spoke with so much zeal and fire.

I drafted the Evite for my housewarming. It's an Evite, so you might be asking why I'm drafting. All I have to do is fill in the time, place, etc. and import email contacts, right? Yeah, but there is some anxiety about having a party considering I've never had one as an adult. Having my linesisters over and it turning into an apartment overflowing with RAP (random-ass people) does not count. This is a housewarming and I want it to be fun. With a decent male:female ratio.

Hmmmm.....That may be where the problem lies. To quote Darius Lovehall (Shame on you if you don't know who I'm referring to!), "Besides Felicia, I can't stand to be around any of 'em for more than an hour at a time." Replace "Felicia" with a guy's name though. I don't get down like that. So yeah, I could invite a few guys, but how many of them am I on good enough terms with to say, "Hey, why don't you come to my house and celebrate with me. That means that you now have my address to try to drop by unannounced." NONE. Homey don't play dat.

I'm not even going to get into why that may be. I know that if you experience patterns in life, it's not the pattern. It's you. I got that. As usual, I'm over thinking. I'm sure I'll have a fabulous time as long as my friends and family are there. And a bottle of Moscatto, of course.

Happy Hump Day!


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