Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Thursday, February 08, 2007

New Hotness: Jazmine Sullivan

I found a new artist to add to my favorites and she doesn't even have an album out yet! Jazmine Sullivan, the writer behind Christina Milian's "Say I" and Beyonce's "Resentment," is the ish. Officially. Check her out at www.myspace.com/jazminesullivan.

Here's a clip from Youtube. Enjoy!


  • At October 4, 2007 at 11:29:00 AM PDT, Blogger CreativeMind said…

    Nice but just to inform you, I don't believe she wrote Resentment. It was recorded before Beyonce's version, and before Jazmine Sullivan's, Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) recorded it. Neither of the 3 were confirmed to have written it though.


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