Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Thursday, September 24, 2009


"He smelled so good! You know, it's that kind of thing where when you hug a guy, the smell is buried in him."
-Oprah on Shawn Corey Carter


You know, lately, I've been on this kick about guys. I just read a wonderful post by a writer/blogger/friend in my head, Jozen about liking people, crushes and things of that nature. It's been so long since I've had a real crush. Hell, it's been so long since I've been around a guy that makes me go......siiiiigggghhhhh.

Here are a few things about men that make me go "sigh."

1. Cologne: Please, refer to previous quote. There is nothing like a man who smells good. Now, don't get me wrong, seems like just this weekend, I leaned in for a hug from a guy and almost passed out because his strong-ass cologne was invading my nostrils. The right smell and just the right amount is "sighable." Yes, I just made that up. Don't judge me!You just inhale, go to Heaven and never want to come back down.

2. Hugs: Who doesn't like a big, strong, lingering hug? If you don't, kill yo'self! It's so lovely! I've yet to decide if a slim guy or a big guy gives the best hugs. It doesn't matter as long as I am wrapped up and engulfed in it.

3. Fresh haircuts: Sorry, bald-headed dudes. This doesn't apply to you, unless your hair is growing back. A fresh haircut with the perfect line and fade-out/taper (whatever!) is awesome. I guess that's the way guys feel about our hair. I can't explain what it is about them. Maybe it's proof that you take care of yourself? Maintenance is what's up.

What else do you think is "sighable"? I could go on, but I didn't want to be so specific. Your turn.


  • At September 24, 2009 at 4:19:00 PM PDT, Anonymous SincerelyGo said…

    I'm glad you asked. I was disappointed the list was so short..because I was agreeing all the way down so far!

    A man that dresses nice with a nice professional watch (not the big faced ones with the fake azz diamonds) makes me sigh!

    A GOOD LOOKING man working on the car with his shirt off good Lord!

    A man in the store with his little girl and she adores him..awwww!

    A man with some nice big neatly manicured nails...mmm!

    A man in a damn towel girl... YES!

    I'll stop NOW!



  • At September 24, 2009 at 5:14:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Rochelle said…

    I love the smell of my boyfriend's armpits--they always smell good, like fresh laundry even though he uses an unscented deodorant. Isn't that random? But sometimes it's the random that make you fall in love!

  • At September 24, 2009 at 5:27:00 PM PDT, Blogger Southern_Lady said…

    Good list, Go!
    Rochelle: Wonderful point! It is those small random things. Woo woo woo!

  • At September 25, 2009 at 9:40:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tootsie said…

    I love big strong arms. They make the hug that much better. I have a habit of randomly squeezing my guy's arms while he's driving, we're watching tv, whenever. I had to stop myself at church one day.

    Can't forget an easy smile. I love a man who's not afraid to smile. I hate when guys feel like they have to be hard so they don't smile. Get over yourself.

  • At November 10, 2009 at 3:02:00 PM PST, Blogger ANGELINA said…

    I love your sighable list! I agree 100%.

    I absolutely LOVE when a guy I care about calls me beautiful. Totally sighable. I also can't help but swoon when a guy asks me for a kiss...you know, that quick 'give me a kiss' accompanied with a deep stare into your eyes...AMAZING!!!!


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