Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Singing in the Comeback Choir

For those of you who are avid readers of African American fiction, like I used to be (I'm a slacker), you may have already heard that wonderful author and writer Bebe Moore Campbell succumbed to Cancer yesterday. I saw this on AOL BlackVoices late last night. I couldn't believe it. She is the author of many books, including Brothers & Sisters (that's the one I read!) and her latest, 72 Hour Hold, a story of a mother copy with an autistic child. She also wrote several articles for Essence. Campbell was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this year.

I looked her up and was surprised to find out that Maia Campbell, actress from In the House sitcom and lately, a video model, is her daughter. I can't imagine what it must feel like to know that my mother is gone at the prime of my life. I also found a personal statement from her website, www.bebemoorecampbell.com. Look there for a full list of her literary works.

My sincere prayers go out to her family, close friends and readers. She has begun singing in the comback choir.


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