Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Friday, October 17, 2008

Working on a Story: Need Your Help

I know, I know..it's been a minute, right? Do me a favor...

Ladies, if you have ever been broken up with right before the holidays, email at lishasu888@yahoo.com as soon as possible and let me know how it happened, how you felt, etc. Men, if you have ever broken up with a girlfriend before the holidays, tell me why and how'd you do it? I am working on a story and need your input. If your story is selected for the peice, you will be given an alias or remain anonymous.

Help me out!!!



  • At October 23, 2008 at 11:01:00 AM PDT, Blogger She Draws said…

    okay I sent you my story hun. I hope it helps!

    Go B.

  • At October 27, 2008 at 3:23:00 PM PDT, Blogger Eb the Celeb said…

    I can already tell this is going to be good... I have broke up with someone after my birthday... I mean I started not feeling him no more in april... but his birthday had just past in march and I went all out so I wasnt about to dump him in april and my birthday was in may... I mean I at least waited until june so it wasnt all obvious...lol


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