
Not sure if I've said it before, but I have this dream of having my own business. Since I was a young girl, I have loved reading profiles about young Black women who have their own, especially in writing and public relations. I would secretly wish I could find out exactly what they did to start their businesses.
Lately, I've gotten that feeling again. I want to start my very own business. But in what? There are many services that I can offer, but which service am I best in? Writing, PR, public speaking/facilitating? I know the first step, create a business plan. I've been to the library, blackenterprise.com and several other places for information. In an ideal world, I'd offer all of those services. But as of now, it's just a dream. I just don't know how to make the dream a reality.
My daddy has owned his own printing business for years. My maternal grandmother was a beautician with her own shop, so I think the entrepreneurial spirit is in my blood. Right now, I'd love to begin doing some things on the side in PR. I've been emailing the few PR boutiques in the city like crazy. I'd like to get my feet weet again. Since I don't actually work in the field anymore, I figure it's the least I can do. They say if you don't use it, you lose it.
So that brings me back to the hardest question for me yet...What's my true passion? I've got soul searching to do. I think it's great to know how to do several trades, but there has to be one that sticks out among the others.
If any of you have your own small businesses or one-man bands, let me know how you did it. Everyone's story is different, I'm sure. I just love hearing these stories. And I need some tips, too!