Quarterlife Mocha Girl

Friday, April 27, 2007

Right Quick

It's Friday. Thank the Lord! I'm still busy as heezie, but I'm leaving early for a hair appointment. Gotta stay on top of the hair game, ya know. Even a month later after I notified other friends and family about my blog and Honey/Clutch gig, my mother is still reading my blog. Ummm....that's a good thing, right? Sure it is. In fact, I'm surprised she even remembers the link or kept the original email. Yesterday, she called me and told me I use too much profanity in the blog..............................

Just an observation, I suppose. I am conscious of that. It's not that bad. I told her I was trying to cut back actually saying them, atleast. Oh well. Just saying how I feel.

I did take the time to post another Honey blog, though. I have not posted anything about last weekend, or this week, for that matter. So check it out here.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Some of This and That

So I have that -itis. You know what I'm talking about. I went to a 10:30 meeting that I was not so excited about. It ended up being pretty good. It was at ALSAC, the fundraising entity for St. Jude. How I love St. Jude! I have decided to volunteer and give small monetary donations when I am able. I sat up one night and watched the infomercial and cried like a baby! Did I tell you how emotional I am? Well, yeah. The tears were flowing like Niagara.

Anyway, to say I didn't want to go to the meeting, God still blesses. It was about to rain and I: (a) didn't want to walk in the rain to get lunch and (b) didn't want to spend money on lunch. Riding back to the office, my boss says she's taking us to lunch. You know I was too excited. I had a grilled chicken panini with Swiss and mushrooms. Moroccan chicken soup and sweet tea. Ummm good. And I got a half of the sandwich to eat for later. Don't play!

So I have that -itis. Don't want to do anything, but sit here and nod off. I got sh*t to do though. Grading papers, making study guides, doing budgets, among other miscellaneous things. Sheesh.

I decided I want to take beginner's ballet class. Some type of dance class. Age 26 is a little too late to try and get the graceful thing down. I got that already, but I just want to be in a dance class. Get some movement in my life. The gym didn't work for me. Sorry. Think I watched Dancelife too much? Maybe.

This weekend was different. Maybe I can't function because I had shots of Patron and red-headed sluts back to back at Pat O'Brien's. It didn't bother me then. But now...In the process I met an older man who said he was a passionate chef of Louisiana cuisine. Especially any type of pasta. I HEART pasta. He could be a sponsor. I also had crawfish at our annual crawfish festival. It was so good. Spicy. And I didn't even have to be in Louisiana to get them. If I could have, I would have. Southern's Springfest was this weekend and Marsha from Floetry performed. DAMN! How and why do all the good artists perform after I leave?

That's enough babbling. I'm about to turn my chair slightly to a 45 degree angle and "rest my eyes."


Monday, April 23, 2007

New Honey Blog Up

Look to your right. Double left-click.



It's Too Much Going On

How's life, folks?

Ok, you read the title. Unfortunately, I feel like crap (damn sinus!) and I'm hella tired. Once again, a doing-too-much weekend. To top that off, I was a Goody Two-Shoes and came into work, even though I was two hours late. My eyes are tight and damn near blurry, so instead of telling you about my weekend, I'll post this video of Teedra Moses at the Black Cat in DC. Ya'll know how much I love her, right? I'm crossing my fingers and toes that she's added to the Esesnce Music Fest lounge. She sent me a message on the Myspizzle (yes, I believe it's really her! Don't look crazy!) saying she was trying to get on. Double confirmation from an associate from SU who hung out with her in L.A. and said the same thing.

Teedra, if you're reading, PLEASE come to Memphis or New Orleans.

So here you go. Be Your Girl .

Friday, April 20, 2007

Just a Couple of Things

It's Friday and I'm feeling pretty good. I made it through the week, thank God for that! Whatever I have been doing has really drained me. The crazy thing is I've done nothing out of the ordinary. Work-work and school-work. This weekend I plan on doing nothing, then any and everything I want to do.

First, I signed up for this Google Adsense and now I can't get this freakin ad off the top of the blog. I wholeheartedly advocate assistance for Katrina victims. I gave and volunteered, too. But that ad is just ugly and in the wrong place. I want it gone now!

I got a story assignment for a local women's magazine here, Grace Magazine. Excited about that. Especially since it pays!

This whole VT thing has got everyone thinking. Clearly, I think one of my students has a mental problem. Let's just say he Cantgetright. It kinda freaks me out. Because his behavior is so off, he's not doing so well in the class. But I bet he'll get a decent grade. He ain't coming to shoot my ass! (That was not a joke, I was so serious!)

I'm so glad I had a great college experience. I'm just now seeing that obviously, it can be a lonely place.

I'm leaving work a couple hours early. What am I going to do after that?

I'm looking forward to the massages me and Mama will get tomorrow. We're doing the "spa thing".

Do you ever get the feeling that when you're rushing to catch the elevator, the people on the elevator really don't want you to catch it? Like they're saying in their heads "Close. Close. Close." Dirty MF's.

Could that be karma because I want to scream when someone dashes to the elevator on the first floor, only to push Floor 2???? Don't ever act like that's not right up four steps. Lazy MFs.

That's wasn't right was it?

Anyway, this weekend I should be posting my pics from the Chrisette Michele show on the Honey Blog. She is the ish and I will have her CD asap.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

This Is the Life of a Go-Getter

It's been awhile. Well, not really. I'm on break from my class. I feel like somebody bitch-slapped me for four days straight. I keep telling myself that in two weeks, I'll be finished with some of my night classes. A program will be over at work, school will out until summer session kicks in. I have a good three weeks of rest, until the cycle begins again. I love my job--both of them. Gotta make it do what it do to get that money. But, what the heezie?! I miss going straight home to do nothing but what I want to do. I am SOOOOOO tired! I'm about to drop. Yet, I'm still planning on being out all weekend. You know what I need to do?

Sit my ass down!

But I can't do it. Gotta keep going. No complaints.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

WTH?, Part I: Cuz I'm a Laaadddy

Stop blinking, adjusting your glasses or thinking there's something in your contacts. This is real, people. This is the new cell phone holder for the ladies, not the latest house arrest bracelet. If I ever see a fool rocking this new "accessory" (because someone will), so help me, I will commence to get my slap on! Unless it's Sheneneh Jenkins...

Cuz she's a laaaaddy!

Dear God,

I pray for the victims of this terrible tradedy at Virginia Tech. I pray for their families and friends in their time of confusion and need. Unfortunately, no one knows why this happened, but I know that You will be victorious in the end. Because of that, we are victorious.

I cannot, in any way, feel the pain that they feel at this time. I ask that you be with them, even as you are right now with all of us. Thank you for life, love, family and friends. Help us to see that even when our days aren't as we wish them to be, they are still a blessing. Thank You for waking me up this morning and for loving me. I know that even though this tragedy has occurred, You still love those victims and even the gunman. I pray for him, too. Help us to see that through You, life is good. No break-up or disappointment is too great to overcome.

Thank You for loving me. Thank You for giving us You, even when we don't see you working or think we need you at all. I know that you are there.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Dinner & A Movie

This weekend I was still celebrating. My Delta birthday, that is. I didn't do anything the day of with my LS so we decided Sunday would be the day. We saw Perfect Stranger, starring Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. It was excellent! I know it received one star or a half--something like that. I don't care what the film critics say, that movie was the ish! Some things I though during the movie:

Women cannot resist powerful men.

Some people are really freaky as hell.

Halle channeled her relationship with Eric Benet on this one. She was straight going off! I loved it!

It also made me think if she can act like a crazy woman so well, is she really acting???

Anyway, afterwards we had dinner and caught up with each other. Living in the same city with people you know doesn't guarantee constant contact. It's like pulling teeth to get people together at the time, in the same place.

I had a great afternoon. I immediately went home and caught the finale of Roots. This is THE line of the movie. When Chicken George comes back afters several years, Matilda (Tildie) looks at him with this loving, longing look and says: "MY MAN!" Ooooh, I could just feel it. Black love is so beautiful. Well, I have a class tonight, so see ya!

Friday, April 13, 2007

That's That Bullsh*t!!

Yesterday, I posted a blog about Kiri Davis, a young filmaker in a contest sponsored by CosmoGirl.com. When I voted, I was pleased to see that she was leading the way in votes. Check this out here at Concrete Loop.

What's really going on????

She May Be......

Happy Birthday to my devastating linesisters, 84 N A Grab Bag, Spring 2003, Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. We're four already!! I love ya!

Yours in Delta,

Mind Ya Biznazz

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Girl Like Me

I'm all for our youth making their dreams come true to make a positive impact on others. When I saw this on Journalisticks, I had to repost:

From Kiri Davis:
My name is Kiri Davis. I am a high school student and filmmaker, who directed the short documentary "A Girl Like Me". Recently, my film was selected to be part of The Cosmo Girl Born to Lead Film Competition. There are 3 films in this contest and the winner with the most votes will receive a spread in Cosmo Girl Magazine and a $ 10,000 prize. It is my hope to use these funds for my college education. Also by being featured in Cosmo Girl magazine I hope to bring attention to more issues that pertain to girls of color world-wide and further the dialogue around self-esteem and self-pride.

The film, A Girl Like Me is a wonderful short documentary (only seven minutes) about how young girls feel about themselves and how they view others. How do they feel about natural hair versus pressed hair? Curves and "big booties" versus slim frames? It's really very interesting. Kira deserves to win. She's already in the lead, so vote for her to send her to the top. Interestingly enough, I don't even know the young lady, but this is a great opportunity for her.

Check it out and vote here.

Post Birthday Thoughts

Hey ya'll!!

Thanks to everyone who commented and wished me a happy birthday. Happy it was! It didn't start off that way, but I'll get to the drama later. I had a fantabulous time with my friends and I am so happy to begin another year of life. I won't bore you with the details here. Instead, you can find out what happened at my Honey Beehive Blog. I finally posted another one.

As you can see, to your right, I have rigged the Honey blog link some kind of way so you can view it at any time. I couldn't get the wording to center, so that's really bothering me. I'm a centered kind of girl. Anyway, double click every week or so to see what I'm doing with my time. I also added a few more blogs to my links.

I have class tonight (as usual), but I am going to see Chrisette Michele afterwards. I just love her voice. It's her promotional tour, so the show will be at a venue that is very small--uh, intimate. Just the way I like it. Since I love live music, this is right up my alley. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blogger Is Really Trippin'

Where are my currents posts???????

Expletive, expletive, expletive!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Go Lisha, It's Ya Birthday!

Today I am 26 years old. Wow. Officially in my late twenties. A friend called me this morning and asked how it feels. It feels no different, I suppose. I'm glad God has blessed with another year. Who knows what this year will bring?

For now I'm at work and it's ugly outside. Why am I wearing boots and wool wraps in April? Last year I remember wearing sandals and a quarter-length spring blazer. My, how things change. I'll be celebrating my day with close friends tonite. Drinks, food, you know the deal.

I really don't have much to say today, to my surprise. So that'll be all folks. Have a blessed day!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Know Your Roots

April 8, 2007. I had been waiting and waiting. Yes, it was Easter, Resurrection Sunday and a close friend's birthday, but it was something else. ROOTS came on TV One. Yes!!!! Or do I mean no!!!

I'd written the date in my mental rolodex becase I love ROOTS. I love movies and documentaries about Black people and our history, so it's only right that ROOTS be at the top of the list. I'd seen it numerous time when I was younger. I especially like the segments with Kizzie and Chicken George. So at 7 p.m. last night, my television was on and I was ready. So I thought.

The miniseries started out in Gambia, West Africa. A family is living life, carefree, with a new son, Kunte Kinte. You know the story. The scene switched to the white men talking about taking the voyage to Africa for "good cargo." Suddenly, I hear "we should be able to find some good, hardworking nigger-bitches for cargo." WHAT THE HEEZIE???

This character talked about Africans as if they were "bucks" or "mules," saying "they're really slow in thinking and smarts, but they're strong and can do good work." TERRIBLE!!

I knew it was time to holler at ROOTS tomorrow. It was a bit much, for even me. I don't remember those scenes at all. Seeing them piled into the bottom of that ship like sardines, dogs, like nothing. It was not a good feeling. I'm tuning in today, but this may be harder than I thought. Sometimes it makes me ask why'd all this happen to my people. Slavery has had an extremely adverse effect on African Americans. There are some mindsets, actions and thoughts that equal opportunity and affirmative action cannot reverse. Have you ever thought about how it would be if we were never taken from our homeland? I wonder...

Club Chronicles: I Got Served

In celebration of a dear friend's birthday, we decided to go out to Old School Sundays at a popular club in the city. Everything was cool, aside from the fact that even though the theme was old school music and the DJ continually shouted out the 25 and up crowd, the dance floor was full of children. Children who probably just turned 21 to be exact. Pumping and sweatin', grinding and damn near conceiving on the floor. Ok, whatev...

The guys there were killing me. One guy who stalked my friend the first 45 minutes, clearly was old enough to be Freddie Jackson. He wore a Kangol turned backwards (of course!) with shades on, with an oversized suit on. Then another guy starts doing Kappa trains on the floor as if this was a college frat party. I'm Greek, so this is not a biased statement. Rule of thumb: Greek shout outs, calls, handsigns, trains, etc. are strictly prohibited in the "regular" club atmosphere, unless the DJ prompts the crowd. No one cares if you are an Alpha, Delta, AKA or Omega (you can never calm them down though!), but you!

Back to the story. After all of these fools comes the Fool of Fools. And you know I had to be his target right? Standing directly in front of me, he cuts up because he thought I touched him. Don't flatter yourself, dude. He starts making all of these hissing noises and licking his tongue out. I'm thinking is this the club or the zoo?? He is obviously 23-ish. He was yet, another, wearing the Kangol with the shades, a white button--down with the blazer and jeans. Was that the dress code or what? Only his Kangol was turned to the front. So innovative and fashion forward. Let me not forget the grill on the bottom row of teeth for thug appeal.

After he stood there and looked me in my face for what seemed like hours, they cut the old school music and played current music. Just as soon as that snap music came on, he instantly turned into Omarion/Chris Brown/Usher on my ass. Dancing circles around me, okay? As if his dancing skills were going to win me over. He was wiping his shoes down, spinning, turning, pop-locking, moonwalking---the whole nine! So now I'm stuck in a lost episode of Dancelife. Save that ish for Jenny from the block, not me.

I got served. In a major way. This is my life. What a life!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

These Nails

Happy Easter everyone! Let us not forget what this day is really about. I hope you have a great day!

These Nails
Donald Lawrence & Tri-City Singers

Right after I first believed,
the cross followed me, yes, it did.
And right after I first received,
the cross followed me, I know it did.

For Christ has nailed my hands,
and Christ has nailed my feet,
I'm crucified with Christ and these nails keep holding me.

There were some things I wanted to do,
but I couldn't do them because I love Him too much.
And there were some pla-, places I wanted to go,
but I couldn't go because I love Him too much.

My love for Him so strong,
it hurts every time I do wrong,
I'm crucified with Christ and these nails keep holdin' me

No, it's not I, but it's Christ who lives in me.
I'm not my own, I'm bought with a price,
paid my price, who gave His life, what a sacrifice;
I'm crucified with Christ and these nails keep holding me.

These nails keep holding me, I'm crucified


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Rickey Smiley doesn't have the sense God gave him! Thanks Vic!!


Because of an early morning email about my great institution of higher learning THE SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY A&M COLLEGE, I am clearly fired up about being a proud graduate, as well as just being Black. The email involved a student at Louisiana State University, which is also located in Baton Rouge (just 15 minutes down the interstate), who totally bashed SU, giving several wack-a$$ reasons why she gets a better education at LSU. Diversity, newer buildings and I think that's about it. Oh DRAMA! She didn't even want to go there. A SU student clearly set her straight on the issue.

Her excuses, reasons, antics are the same cookie-cutter bullsh*t that I heard when I was in school. When do young students stop listening to what others' observations are and find out the real deal for themselves. Speaking as a student of SU and a graduate student at LSU, I can say that the education is no better. It's the environment at SU that was so great. My first semester at LSU, I hated it. Maybe I was shielded by my people at SU? Not so much. There were faculty and staff of all races and nationalities there. I'm adaptable, so that wasn't it. I could go on and on, but the point is this: Why do we think that because an institution or business or service is operated Whites, it's better? Pure brainwashing. Whatever the case, I couldn't be happier that I attended Southern. Anyway, so much for that.

In keeping with the theme of great AA pioneers and HBCU love, I would be remiss if I didn't note the death of Eddie Robinson, long-time football coach of the Grambling State University Tigers. GSU is our number one rival, but you must give credit where credit is due. My prayers are with his family and the Grambling family. He will be missed.

Here's the story: http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/news?slug=ap-obitrobinson&prov=ap&type=lgns

Do You Know What Today Is?

Hello again,

I'm actually disrupting my flow of work to post this. Even though I'm bogged down with luncheons, grading papers and writing, I had to say something. Several things, in fact. Today I'm on this African-American/history-makers kick. It started this morning.

Today is April 4, 2007. April 4. Does that date ring a bell by any chance? I hope so. If you're still racking your brain, I'll be gracious and let you off the hook. Today is the 39th year marking Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death. On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was killed here on the balcony of Lorraine Motel. I'll be honest and tell you that I don't think about this day often. What I do think about is why it was my city that he killed in. Why did the selfish, hatred-filled asassin have to live here? There are so many great things for which Memphis should be known for, but one of our claims to fame (?) is that we are the place of death for the greatest leader of our time.

It still bothers me. I wasn't even alive or thought of, but everytime I visit the National Civil Rights Museum I get this melancholy feeling. Walking the exact room where he slept and standing in the same spot he was killed can give you an indescribable feeling. It makes you want to ask so many questions. How can someone hate another or the progression of a people so much that he/she would take a life, hoping to keep things the same? WHY?

My mother and I were talking about it and she simply said that was the way it was supposed to be. I know that everyone has a fate and your life is already planned before you begin it, but....Dr. King was a great man and perhaps he knew his destiny. He knew what danger he was in before he crossed the Mississipp-Tennessee stateline. As sanitation workers walked down the streets of downtown Memphis with signs that stated: I AM A MAN, he knew that as he stood for them, he was standing for himself. Death, if it be the end, was okay.

That makes me feel better. Even though this is where he was killed, this is also the place where his memory lives on. There are several events around the city commemorating his life and legacy. He sacrificed so much for us, as thousands of others did, to live with rights and freedom. What are we doing with it?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


In the words of my Granny, "Thanks a million!" I really appreciate you reading my blog, visiting Honey and Clutch and leaving comments. Much more to come.

Be Blessed

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Quarterlife Mocha Girl Goes Honey

The Quarterlife Crisis. We've talked about what it is. We know that if no one else is going through it, I am. I have a Masters degree in Public Relations. Did I mention that I left a job doing PR work (on a small scale) to teach financial literacy where I never use my degree? Yep, that's me. If that's not a crisis, I don't know what is! But then again, that's just life.

All of those degrees and work experience, but I had not been practicing my first love--writing. It's what I do. Due to a bad experience at a newspaper internship that I let get the best of me, I slacked in writing. In fact, I even cut back on reporting for my school's newspaper, and really stopped writing all together. There were a few pieces here and there, but nothing major. I never sent them to anyone. I could not get back into writing, especially during graduate school. Even my journal entries were becoming less and less frequent. That's where this blog came in. Sooooo.......

After sending in writing clips and email stalking the editor at Honey Magazine (just kidding!), I was asked to have my very own Honey Beehive Blog for Memphis! There, you'll get to see what I do in my city to have a so-called life. Where I go and what I experience. I'm so grateful for this opportunity. You know how much I love Honey. It was in that magazine that I first learned about the Quarterlife Crisis. How ironic.

I'm just blessed that my passion for writing has come back. Maybe something will come of it. Who knows? But this is surely a great beginning. So check me out under blogs at Honey. Feel free to comment, also. Thanks to God and thanks to you!


What's In Your Clutch?

Clutch Magazine Online is here! Clutch Magazine serves as an alternative to the mundane magazines for the multicultural woman. Started by Deanna Sutton, Clutch is comprised of young women (and men) who seek to give the woman who wants to live the good life the right way exactly what she is looking for. One of those women happens to me! I contributed an article "Get Extra Credit: How to Fix Your Credit Woes the Right Way", to the first issue, with hopefully many more to come. Thanks to Deanna for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this awesome magazine. (You are a sweetie!)

In case you didn't know, I'm obsessed with magazines for and by Black/multicultural women. I like my occasional Marie Claire, Lucky and Cosmo, but I'm a firm believer in the mantra, "seeing is believing." It comforts me to open a magazine and see glossy pages filled with stories and photos of women who look like me. There has to be some alternatives to the Mother of Magazines, Essence. No disrespect, I'm faithful subscriber, but variety is the spice of life, right? Clutch covers fashion, beauty, culture, relationships--life. Check it out here at http://www.clutchmagazine.com/

Happy reading!